
1> How can I program pic using Arduino?
2> Do I need to use any specific programming language other than Arduino?
The Questions above are asked in the past and have been answered too, However, I find it hard to understand, which pin goes to which pin from Arduino to pic.

So I'm a student who does a fair share of Arduino (this is not my field of expertise), But as a design project I was asked to build a small system that would display the distance of HC-SR04 on a display, I chose to do this on a pic module with 8 bit. I don't know much about pic, and I don't mind learning a new language to get this completed. All of my other topics doesn't need any attention at the moment. So I was wondering what programming language I need to use and how can I use Arduino to upload that into pic 8-bit microcontroller.

I know pic has

after hours of reading, in the above, Vdd requires 5V power, and Vss is ground.

If anyone can help, would prove useful.


The language will most likely be either C or C++, so no difference from Arduino there, other than the need to write your own function prototypes (the Arduino IDE automatically generates them for .ino files).

If I read it correctly, you're not wanting to program the PIC using the Arduino IDE, you want to use an Arduino board as a programmer for the PIC. I have no experience, but I see that this should be possible here:

BTW, there are a few different hardware packages that can be installed in the Arduino IDE to add PIC support, but I don't think there is one for your particular chip. I think the support is mostly for the PIC32s. I believe this is the most well known:

The 8-bit PICs use C, not C++. At the level you're probably at this doesn't make much of a difference. The main thing is that C does not have objects, so your libraries will have to be written a bit differently.

For hardware, all you need is a PICkit 3. They're pretty affordable on Amazon or Ebay.

For software, MPLAB-X and the XC8 compiler. The Code Configurator in the IDE makes it realtively easy to select how the hardware is initialized and set up the configuration bits (comparable to AVR fuse bits). Once you have the IDE running and know how to use it properly PICs aren't that hard to work with.

Also keep the datasheet nearby at all times. It is absolutely essential because it explains in great detail how every part of the chip works.

For any more support than this, you should search out of more PIC-focused forum. You probably won't get much help here due to a lack of people that even use PICs (Ive only dabbled myself).