Pickit 3 and 555 timer

for class I must wire a PIC 16f1455 to a 555 timer but my 555 timers never work.
pic_program_schematic_1_download.pdf (431.1 KB)

does anyone have experience with these chips?

Sure, but this is the Arduino forum.

Consider posting questions about PICs on the Microchip PIC forum.

There are lots of tutorials on wiring 555 timers. Here is one to blink an LED. Use it to make sure that your 555 timer chip works.

Have you spent any time with the 555 data sheet?

yes. i get the LED to light up but when I install the ground the light goes out.

That sounds ominous. Post a picture of your project, and a wiring diagram.

Really, check out the tutorial above. It tells you where every single wire goes, with an unmistakably clear picture.

We can't look over your shoulder to see what "the ground" is.

Also what does the Pickit 3 have to do with all of this?

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wWhat I'm needing is expertise on the use of 555 timers

What do you need to do with it? Try some application circuits, there are always a few in every 555 data sheet. If you feel super, super lazy look on YouTube, there must be thousands of 555 experiments on there.

I suspect you don't need "expertise". You just need to follow some simple instructions, and not screw them up.

Ive been redoing this one circuit for months and have no idea where I'm going wrong

Again, find some detailed tutorials and follow them. Post your schematic. Compare each connection in the schematic with the wiring that you have on the proto board.

I actually have an instructor who gave me the video...

What video? Where is the schematic? Even if we could visually untangle the jumper jungle you have there, it would be too much work to figure out what its function is, without the schematic.

its in the original post. its a link

Nobody here has time to watch videos. You might. Here, you have to post diagrams and explain things in your own words.

If there is some schematic there, please repost it here.

Have you ever breadboarded the 555 circuit separately from the PIC? To me, it looks like it's configured as a simple oscillator.

I tried, but it wont work. The guy has been teaching Astable mode.

Dude, i dont even have a battery hooked up. my bad.

Then you built it wrong. Go look at some step by step tutorials. Thousands of beginners have worked this circuit out. You can too. Maybe you just don't understand the breadboard layout...

maybe, but with a battery it isnt working either