Pico spi read interupt

I have a stem of data coming out of an SBC on SPI

I am trying to migrate from nano to pico because I need the extra speed and cost is similar

On nano I currently just have read interrupt for each incoming byte

How do i do this with the pico?

eidt : to clarify
I can use the the SPi.Transfer method.. but I just want to read incoming bytes with interrupt

Please post your existing code

void setup (void) {

  SPCR |= _BV(SPE);
  indx = 0;
  process = false;
  SPI.setDataMode (SPI_MODE0);


ISR (SPI_STC_vect) {
byte capture here

i use this on a Nano ()

I want to migrate

but i read that attach interrupt is not implemented in the pico SPI library

So does anyone know how to do it?

code posted

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