Pid speed control

Hello. I am working on a project which controls the speed by the value of position. It will start slow, speed up and stop slow. I just need pid part. I dont know how to calculate kp ki kd values. Thank you.

And for setting the parameters:

You set initial values for Kp, Ki and Kd. After that you can manually tweak them based on performance. Others may suggest using an auto tune library that I feel adds unnecessary complexity to the PID algorithm, which is quite a simple calculation. Understand how the algorithm works and how each of the components contribute to having the process value reach the setpoint and you'll be writing your own library in about a dozen lines of code.

Note: PID will not "start slow". For a DC motor you don't need to 'start slow' like you might with a stepper motor. You didn't give enough information about your project to provide informed suggestions.

Thank all for answers. Its a crane system project. So it will carry an item from a point to another point. I need to accalerate slowly and stop slowly to reduce oscillation of item.