PID temperature controller


I might have a stupid question.

I have a PID temperature controller E5CSV-R1T-500 AC100-240

Omron E5CSV PID Temperature Controller, 48 x 48mm Platinum Resistance Thermometer, Thermocouple Input, 2 Output

I have also a termocouple and a silicon heater.

I would like firstly to put them together to mantain a costant temperature, then use arduino to apply cycles.

My question is: do I need anything else? can I connect directly all the elements to the PID? I have seen on youtube the use of a solid state relay, but my electronic knoledge is too low to understand why I do need it.

thank you for the info,

Follow the instructions that come with the temperature controller.

I did read it and I know what to connect where.

It does not say whether a SSR is needed or not. Or, more probably, it is written in a way I cannot clearly understand.

Thanks for the answer

You have the "R1T" type controller, product page here.

According to the controller data sheet, the "R" indicates that it requires a SPST-NO, 250 VAC, 3A (resistive load) relay (depending on your power source), to control the heater.

thank you very much for the info :slight_smile:

since I need a pretty low temperature, do you think I can use also a battery?

The controller requires 100-240 VAC. What use would be a battery?

I was thinking AA batteries, but probably it is impossible to go that high

would this relay work?

Sorry, I misread the data sheet. It appears that the relay is built in to the "R" models.

Study the wiring diagram in the data sheet. The relay output can control a 240 VAC heater, up to 3 amperes resistive load (about 700 watts).

maybe I have found the one needed

ok, better.

Then I will connect everything in the back of the PID?

Heater cables, power and termocouple?

Thank you very much for the help
