Piezolectric sensor to measure respiration rate (PZT)

Hi there,

I'm doing a project on the field of biomedical engineering and my goal is to produce/or acquire a piezoeletric sensor to measure the respiration signal and integrate it in the Arduino.

Such sensores can be made as sugested:
Article: http://advan.physiology.org/content/ajpadvan/37/1/117.full.pdf
or even removed from a greetings card that plays music upon unfolding
piezo buzzer - How are electronic musical greeting cards made? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange

Can you enlight me on how to connect such 'raw' sensors to my board to do the signal acquisition? Is any pre-processment required? Or just a breadboard will do?

(Yes I'm a begineer in this community :slight_smile: )

Any sort of answers will be appreciated.

The article you refer to says

The wires from the beeper were connected to the input of a custom-built data-acquisition system (CMCdaq) to record respiratory movements

so it's not going to be simple. The signal from the sensor will be very small and need amplifying in some way.
The first step would be to get hold of one of these 'beepers' and connect it to a sensitive voltmeter, then see what sort of voltage levels you can get out of it. Also need to measure its internal resistance. With that information, someone experienced with op-amps could probably suggest a suitable circuit.

Does it have to be these sensors,
I think IMUs are much easier to use, espacially if you just want the measure the respiration frequency

As postet by quilkin with piezos you need OAmps with Power Supply resistors and so on...

Hi there,

I'm doing a project on the field of biomedical engineering and my goal is to produce/or acquire a piezoeletric sensor to measure the respiration signal and integrate it in the Arduino.

Such sensores can be made as sugested:
Article: http://advan.physiology.org/content/ajpadvan/37/1/117.full.pdf
or even removed from a greetings card that plays music upon unfolding
piezo buzzer - How are electronic musical greeting cards made? - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange

Can you enlight me on how to connect such 'raw' sensors to my board to do the signal acquisition? Is any pre-processment required? Or just a breadboard will do?

(Yes I'm a begineer in this community :slight_smile: )

Any sort of answers will be appreciated.

Search for "aircraft oxygen". One of the companies you find will have a system that monitors breathing. You might contact them for information. The sensor is patented, but they may help you.
