Pin assignment encoder


I bought this motor for a project, but I am not able to see which wires are 5V, GND, sensor A and Sensor B for the encoder. Is there anybody here that know this motor?

This is how it should be :
The flat ribbon cable is the optical encoder.

It seems as if your motor does not have the encoder on the motor. There should be soldered something to the 8 pins in the middle. Has that been removed ?

An optical encoder might be IR diodes with a disc with teeth, like it was used in an old mouse, encapsulated against dust.

If you can read Chinese ... I see the picture of the encoder and pinout on the bottom right.

rmetzner49, I copied that link, changed "CN" into "EN", and ...

Problem solved then. I guess I was too tired to think of that. Thanks.
Wow, what a useful little book full of all sorts of motion control stuff!