Hallo I am Kind of new to using proteus can someone help me with this pin connections.
A.) I researched somewhere where it said i need to connect the +Ve of battery to VMOT of the stepper Driver . but i can not identify the VMOT on the driver i just connected it to 28 which is represented by VBB2.
I have split @joel9622's post to a dedicated topic as requested.
Hijacking is against the Arduino forum rules. The reason is that it may sidetrack the discussion, even preventing the creator of the topic from getting the assistance they need.
This is basic forum etiquette, as explained in the "How to get the best out of this forum" guide. It contains a lot of other useful information. Please read it.
@joel9622 in the future please create a new topic when asking for help with your own separate project. You are welcome to reply to other topics when you have something to add that is directly relevant to the existing discussion thread of that topic.