Pin count of the H7 J1/J2 connectors doesn't match?

Hi I wanted to make sure i'm not reading the wrong documentation or counting wrong,

But everytime I look at my Portenta H7 I count 42 pins on each side of the B2B connector (J1 and J2), so 84 total. The STEP file from also shows 42 on each side.

The documentation online all says 80. So there are 4 extra pins on each connector, and you can see this in the image below when I compare the foorprint to the STEP file.

Where is the misunderstanding?
I need to make a PCBA to connect to the H7, should I trust what I physically see or go with all the documentation part numbers?

Or are those extra 4 pins for ground and it's not documented well?

Best to contact your supplier. It is possible there was a mistook in your order. It is obvious the pitch (pin spacing) is not the same.

I figured it out in the end. Looks like there are 4 extra pins on the 80pin plug compared to the receptacle. It's called out in the datasheet, but it's not obvious at all. Hirose doesn't even make 84 pin connectors in this family.

Confirmed this by counting the number of pins in the Hirose datasheet and in their STEP file.

Yes, you are right, the connector has 84pins, but the connector specs is 80, as there are the usable ones, if you get the 50pins version, you will have also +4 as mechanical pins.