Pin out doing 2 things

Can one pinOut do two things? Ie drive a LED and at the same time switch a transistor to run a solinoid. Ie every time the transistor base is energized (and the 13v solinoid fires) I want an LED to turn on. Not enough pin outs to just use a second pin so would like one pin to do double duty. And problems with this?

Andy O

Which transistor and which LED?

Sure, but easier to connect the LED and a proper series resistor in parallel with the solenoid and let the transistor control both.

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Yes, it tells you what is actually happen on the output driver.

Good thought thanks. So I step down (with a resistor) the 13v going to the solinoid?

If the LED needs to be on or near the MCU circuit board ...

And if a red LED, it will also keep the FET turned off until the microcontroller boots.

Green, blue or white LED, maybe not.

Note that Larry subtly pointed out that you need a logic-level FET, not a 1980s transistor. :grin:

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