HI!!! :slight_smile:

Is possible that "Arduino" forgot my interrupt after one hour?

Do I need to remember it minute after minute?? Is this the solution or this one easy trick?

best regard u all

I don't know the answer for your question, but maybe it's easiest for someone to answer if you post your code.

Is possible that "Arduino" forgot my interrupt after one hour?

Do I need to remember it minute after minute?? Is this the solution or this one easy trick?

What do you mean by "forgot my interrupt"?
What, exactly, is it that you are wanting to remember?
Post you code, in code tags please.

The PinchangeInt library doesn't work reliably on all pins on all boards, you need to find the right one for your particular use (eg: keep trying different pins until you find one that works and stays working.)

Also, you only need to set it once.

Pin change interrupts are only implemented on a few of the ports. On the Uno
it happens to be ports B, C and D, but those cover every pin so coverage is complete,
on the Mega is definitely not complete - Leonardo I don't know haven't looked.

The datasheet for the chip will show which pins generate pin change interrupts
as they all have aliases starting "PCINT"

Due is totally different architecture BTW but has flexible PIO controller that can
be configured for every pin I believe.