PIND to byte (efficient and fast)

Short question: Is there a way to make " byte pix = PIND; " work in a just a couple clock cyles?

Long Question:
Working on integrating a camera to a teensy 3.1. Need to get a byte off a serial connection [D0..D7] aka PIND as fast and efficient as possible. AVR has inb(PIND). Whats the best way for arduino/teensy? I don't have the time to loop through digitalreads. Thank you for your help!

How about:

byte pix = PIND;

What is your problem with that?

That generates code for 3 cycles, one to read the port, and two to store into memory.

  90:   89 b1           in      r24, 0x09       ; 9   (1)
  92:   80 93 00 01     sts     0x0100, r24   (2)

thanks! this is the exact cycle info I was looking for.