I have attached 5 Ping Sonar sensors to the Arduino robot. Although it works on TKD1 it does not work on B_TK1 to B_TK4, I am not sure why since they are all analog and digital ports. I have pasted my code below. When the program runs only the first sensor gives data, the other 4 show 0 inches all the time.
/* Ping))) Sensor
This sketch reads a PING))) ultrasonic rangefinder attached to an Arduino Robot on pin D1,D7,D8,D9,D10
The circuit:
- +V connection of the PING))) attached to +5V
- GND connection of the PING))) attached to ground
- SIG connection of the PING))) attached to digital pin D9 (B_TK2)
#include <ArduinoRobot.h>
#include "Wire.h"
#include "SPI.h"
//int sonarPin = TKD1;//pin number where the sonar is attached (D1 = TKD1)
//int sonar1Pin = B_TK1;//pin number where the sonar is attached (D10 = B_TK1)
//int sonar2Pin = B_TK2;//pin number where the sonar is attached (D9 = B_TK2)
//int sonar3Pin = B_TK3;//pin number where the sonar is attached (D8 = B_TK4)
//int sonar4Pin = B_TK4;//pin number where the sonar is attached (D7 = B_TK3)
int myPins[] = {TKD1,B_TK1, B_TK2, B_TK3, B_TK4};
void setup() {
// initialize the Robot, SD card, and display
void loop() {
long duration, inches;//variables for pin duration, distance in inches
for(int i = 0;i<5;i++){
pinMode(myPins*, OUTPUT);//set te PING pin as an output*
_ Robot.digitalWrite(myPins*, LOW);//set te PING pin low first to get a clean high pulse*_
* delayMicroseconds(2);//wait 2 microseconds *
_ Robot.digitalWrite(myPins*, HIGH);//PING sonar is triggered by a 2 or more microsecond HIGH PULSE*
* delayMicroseconds(5);//wait 5 microseconds
Robot.digitalWrite(myPins, LOW);//set te PING pin low first to get a clean high pulse*
pinMode(myPins*, INPUT);//set te pin as an input whose duration is the time for reception*
duration = pulseIn(myPins*, HIGH);//measures how long the pin is high*
* inches = duration/74/2; // convert the time into a distance*
Robot.debugPrint(inches, 5,25i+10);//print the inches to the LCD_
_ Robot.text("in: ", 50,25i+10);//print the inches to the LCD_
* delay(100);//wait 100 miilliseconds*
* }*
* //Serial.print(inches);//print inches to the serial monitor*
* //Serial.println(" in, ");//print inches value to the serial monitor*
* //Serial.print(inch2);//print inches to the serial monitor*
* //Serial.println(" in, ");//print inches value to the serial monitor*
* //Robot.text("inches: ", 5,50);//print the inches to the LCD*
* //Robot.debugPrint(inches, 50,50);//print the inches to the LCD*
Ping_Arduino_Robot.ino (2.46 KB)