Pinout for Port Registers on Arduino Mega

hi there;

I got arduino mega adk and it looks like pinout for adk is different

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(5, INPUT);
void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  Serial.print("porte3: ");
  Serial.println(bitRead(PORTE, 3));
  Serial.print("digiR5: ");

my output is:
porte3: 0
digiR5: 1



You get current pin state with the PIN registers, not PORT. An input pin with nothing connected to it can read high or low at random - it's floating, so it will pick up noise from the environment like an antenna.

PORT is the OUTPUT register.

@DrAzzy I connect there 5V
@Whandall do we have a INPUT register?

PINA, PINB, ....

@Whandall can you pls put some links?

I knows about PINA, PINB but this works for uno I wasnt able to ggl input pins for mega, thx

The registers are documented in the datasheet, the mapping to pins probably in your links.

The registers are documented in the datasheet, the mapping to pins probably in your links.

Or look at Uno & Mega schematics on the Product page.

when Whandall gives me the answer, I dont get it. Thats why I was asking for a links, but later I did understand his answer :slight_smile:

Sorry, sometimes I seem to write too cryptical
and maybe too focused on answering (just) the question. :wink: