Good evening! I'm extremely new to this, picked it up solely to do simple things and now that I've decided to something a little more complicated, I've realized I'm incredibly far out of my realm and need assistance.
I have little ones that absolutely refuse to turn off the upstairs TV, trying to give them a reminder. Perhaps a buzzer? Just assumed LED
Pretty much what I'm trying to do is have an Uno utilize a PIR to trigger an LED after activating 4 times(perhaps with a timeout so it activates, times out, and can activate again within 5 seconds?)
On the same board, I'd like to add a timer that triggers the same LED after 2 hours.
All of this would fail to function if power was removed(TV turned off)
Is this possible? Any help appreciated, completely unsure how to accomplish this. I can get one portion of the circuit done but run into a wall when combining. Thank you!