hi i got a D-SUN DSN-FIR800 (HC-SR501) it takes from 10 sec to 1 maybe 5 seconds to light led after movment !
i simply connectd it to 4v and middle pin to led !
hi i got a D-SUN DSN-FIR800 (HC-SR501) it takes from 10 sec to 1 maybe 5 seconds to light led after movment !
i simply connectd it to 4v and middle pin to led !
Well, that is a 5v sensor. You connect it to 4v and you never know what it might do.
Passive IR detectors respond to tiny changes of temperature of the sensor due
to changes in incident far-IR radiation. They are never going to be quick, but are
usually quicker than that.
A module might have some filter circuitry to reduce spurious responses leading
to longer delays - for instance an intruder-detector that gives false-positives is
all but useless. Some units have an adjustable delay too.
Passive IR detectors respond to tiny changes of temperature of the sensor due
to changes in incident far-IR radiation. They are never going to be quick, but are
usually quicker than that.A module might have some filter circuitry to reduce spurious responses leading
to longer delays - for instance an intruder-detector that gives false-positives is
all but useless. Some units have an adjustable delay too.
i meant 5v that was wrong
it has potionetion meters which is so hard to cahnge but it didnt really help almsot no change ! if its normal then ok ! i will buy anotehr PIR if i needed fast mition detecting !