Hello Sir/mam,
I am vinod from demeler technology. we are working on a project so we are using PIR motion sensor with arduino but it has a bug that when we fix a time for delay output then it works properly but only for 2 or 3 hours after that it works as manual switch means gives output continue to bulb or LED and if we change its delay timing again then it works again for 2 or 3 hours and same condition rises so pls guide us asap.


Try replacing the sensor and check if the problem persists. (maybe you got a faulty unit).

Pls provide model of your PIR sensor. is it HC-SR501?

Yes this is hc-sr501 of D-sun.

we are using PIR motion sensor with arduino but it has a bug that when we fix a time for delay output then it works properly but only for 2 or 3 hours after that it works as manual switch means gives output continue to bulb or LED and if we change its delay timing again then it works again for 2 or 3 hours and same condition rises so pls guide us asap.

So you set a time delay output.... what time delay output? And what works for 2 to 3 hours?

It will be necessary to explain what isn't working. Try to explain what you want the system to do....and explain what it is not doing.

Please read this:-
How to use this forum
Because your post is breaking the rules about posting code.

The basic problem is that you have not posted any code nor any schematic so the fault could be anywhere.

We fixed 2 min 30 sec for delay output and the sensor worked properly for 2 to 3 hours i.e it was giving correct output.

After 2 or 3 hours, the sensor was not giving any output..Means, i.e not activating middle output pin.

We fixed 2 min 30 sec for delay output and the sensor worked properly for 2 to 3 hours i.e it was giving correct output.

After 2 or 3 hours, the sensor was not giving any output..Means, i.e not activating middle output pin.

still you have to

a) post your code and schematic diagram so that we can analyze the problem


b) try replacing the module to check whether your first unit was faulty