Hey everyone, i'm new to the site and new to the whole arduino language. I'm building a project for my engineering class and i'm having trouble with the programming. The project is an Automated dog feeder controlled by a PIR sensor and a servo motor. The current complication i am having is the fact that the servo is not operating with the sensor in mind.
My current code.
int motion_1 = 2;
int light_1 = 13;
// SERVO Config
#include <Servo.h>
Servo servoMain; // Define our servo
void setup()
servoMain.attach(10); // Servo on pin 10
void loop()
servoMain.write(0); // Turn Servo left to 45 degrees
delay(5000); // Delay one second
servoMain.write(170); // Turn servo to center position
// PIR Config
pinMode (motion_1,INPUT);
pinMode (light_1, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite (light_1,LOW);
delay(1000); //this delay is to let the sensor settle down before taking a reading
int sensor_1 = digitalRead(motion_1);\
if (sensor_1 == HIGH){
Main? You only have one. The instance name should reflect the function of the servo. If it feeds the dog, call it dogFeeder. of foodDispenser, of something that makes more sense than servoMain.
Why are the pinMode() calls in loop()? Don't you think the mode will stay the some from iteration of loop() to the next? It will, just in case you are uncertain. They belong in setup(). You only have one motion sensor and one led. Why was it necessary to number it?
the servo is not operating with the sensor in mind.
The servo code is unconditional - it doesn't depend on anything.
The only conditional code is the light.
What do you want to achieve?
I want the servo motor to rotate 180 degrees when the PIR sensor recognizes motion, then move back to it's original pos (0 degrees) after a certain time has passed.
Does the light code work?
If so, put the servo movement in the same conditional.
If not, debug the conditional.
When i make motion in front of the PIR sensor an led comes on then goes off. It remains off if there isn't any motion. If that is what you are asking. My problem is when the sensor recognizes motion, the servo doesn't react to it whatsoever.
// Arduino Dog Feeder
int motion = 2;
int light = 13;
// SERVO Config
#include <Servo.h>
Servo dogFeeder; // Define our servo
void setup()
dogFeeder.attach(10); // Servo on pin 10
pinMode (motion,INPUT);
pinMode (light, OUTPUT);
void loop()
// PIR Config
digitalWrite (light,LOW);
delay(1000); //this delay is to let the sensor settle down before taking a reading
int sensor = digitalRead(motion);\
if (sensor == HIGH){
dogFeeder.write(0); // Turn Servo to original position
dogFeeder.write(170); // Turn servo to ending position
I set a if(sensor == HIGH) do i need to set a if(sensor == LOW)? Or can i leave it as is?
I just realized that the code had "light" settings when my project doesn't depend on a light sensor whatsoever. It only depends on a motion sensor. so i switched digitalWrite(light,HIGH); to digitalWrite(motion,HIGH); and changed digitalWrite(light,LOW); to digitalWrite(motion,LOW);
delay(1000); //this delay is to let the sensor settle down before taking a reading
A digital sensor does not need time to "settle down".
I just realized that the code had "light" settings when my project doesn't depend on a light sensor whatsoever. It only depends on a motion sensor. so i switched digitalWrite(light,HIGH); to digitalWrite(motion,HIGH); and changed digitalWrite(light,LOW); to digitalWrite(motion,LOW);
Why? You are just turning the internal pullup resistor off and on. The motion pin is defined as INPUT.
I just realized that the code had "light" settings when my project doesn't depend on a light sensor whatsoever. It only depends on a motion sensor. so i switched digitalWrite(light,HIGH); to digitalWrite(motion,HIGH); and changed digitalWrite(light,LOW); to digitalWrite(motion,LOW);
Why? You are just turning the internal pullup resistor off and on. The motion pin is defined as INPUT.
I thought digitalWrite(light,HIGH); is referring to the amount of light present. My project doesn't depend on light just motion. I don't understand why you would have digitalWrite(light,HIGH); unless you were dealing with a light detecting sensor. Is my motion sensor supposed to be an input or output?
Is my motion sensor supposed to be an input or output?
Are you telling it that there is motion? If so, it's an OUTPUT. If you are asking it if there is motion, then it's an INPUT.
Ok so my servo will be an output since i'm telling it to move and my sensor will be input since i'm asking it. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Now I just need to troubleshoot my coding.
Ok i finally solved my programming problem and my PIR sensor and servo is acting correctly. My question is there a way to delay the next time the PIR sensor will detect motion. For example, once the sensor recognizes motion it rotates the servo, now the sensor has to wait one hour before it can recognize motion again. I'm building a dog feeder and i don't want it to go off every time it detects motion. Thanks for your help!