pir sensor timer

@Blackfin so yes as we suspected with that commented out it works just fine. So how can i go about setting it up so i can send the on off signal and timer together?

Do you see any of this on the monitor?

 if(httpResponseCode > 0){
    String response = http.getString();   
   } else {
    Serial.print("Error on sending PUT Request: ");

If you do, put a Serial. print(); after the http.end(); call.

-jim lee

You could try modifying switchLight() by adding a check for a valid WiFi connection before sending HTML stuff:

void switchLight(byte room, bool current_state)
    state = current_state;
    HTTPClient http;

    if( WiFi.status()== WL_CONNECTED )
        String req_string;
        req_string = "http://";
        req_string += ip;
        req_string += "/api/";
        req_string += user_name;
        req_string += "/lights/";
        req_string += light_id;
        req_string += "/state";
        http.addHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain");
        String put_string;
        put_string = "{\"on\":";
        put_string += (current_state)? "true" : "false";
        put_string += "}";
        int httpResponseCode = http.PUT(put_string);
        if(httpResponseCode > 0)
            String response = http.getString(); 
            Serial.print("Error on sending PUT Request: ");
        Serial.println( "Error: WiFi connection down." );

@Jimlee yes i was seeing that i put the print statement it went away however light will still not turn off

@Blackfin still no luck with that either

omg you guys are never going to believe this so i was like we have tried everything else let me try downgrading the esp package to an older version maybe its a bug i downgraded and now its flawless works perfect

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