Play PC Windows OS sound to the loadspeaker with Arduino Due


I'm wondering, if it is possible to play PC computer Windows system sound with USB serial port to small loudspeaker connected to Arduino Due micro-controller

I found this example, which includes something close to desired result Speech Recognition and Synthesis with Arduino, but I'm not sure, if I can use SparkFun Mono Audio Amp Breakout for this goal. How to get sound output same way as BitVoicer Server does, what must be uploaded code in this case. I want this control from C# application, but actually I just want get Windows system sound from this speaker. I don't know if I have to set serial port from C# in this case, of just use it somehow in uploaded code

I don't want to play audio file. For example, with loading of sound file on sd card and getting sd card reader for Due, then tell with pc with USB Due to play the sound file from sd card.

I want play exactly Windows system general sound output. For example, youtube video played in browser, any kind of audio file, played with player, system sounds, any text-to-speech used in system, movie sound etc. Windows OS general sound, same way as if it were connected with usual audio jack to PC. Of course I do not mean the amplification of sound as separate task for such goal

Any advice, guide or example would be helpful

From your very unclear description, I gather you are looking for your Arduino to act as a sound card for your PC. You want to plug it in to your USB and attach your amplifier and speaker, just as you would plug headphones into a USB headphone adapter. You need to study how USB sound cards work with windows. How do their drivers work and how you can implement this code in Arduino. You need to study how sound cards modulate the system data into sound and what components may be needed to complete your system.