hy there guys i have a question is there any way to play sounds from internal arduino eeprom or from my sketch (simple sounds)
im intrested in this ... for my arduino to play when something is happening... the best is to play midi ... but i'm satisfied with simple sound u know a tutorial for this or something ... it can be done??
Arduino pin driving a resistor directly is bad news.
Put at least a 120 ohm resistor in series with it. Will be quiet.
Better would be to connect the output to a powered computer system:
You can hear that here:
Pin sound is kind of fuzzy to my ears. In the early 70's we had an 80-in-1 Radio Shack Project Kit with a tone circuit that made nice clean tones. There weren't many parts but I forget and don't have that cookbook. Instead I see some that make clean sine waves using 2 opamps and I have quads, 2 tones per chip. I'm looking at digital pots but not so happy with what I see. Maybe a DAC would be simpler?.
Well, digital output is just a square wave. You can filter it some to smooth the corners, make it more sinusoidal.
DAC could make any shape you want, justs needs more programming.