Playing buzzer music with IR remote. Why doesn't the music play for the second time?

What I'm trying to do

I wired up buzzer and IR receiver.
I'm trying to play music with buzzer using IR remote.
I intend to make the project so that
if I press button 0, playtestSong() gets called to play some music on the buzzer
if I press button 1, playHipHop() gets called and so on.

Overview of the Issue

However, in reality,
when I press button 0, the music plays the first time but none of the buttons work for the second time.

If I remove playtestSong(); then remote works fine.
The print statements inside the if statement for respective buttons gets executed.
For example, if I press button 1, 2, 3, it outputs

You pressed button 1
You pressed button 2
You pressed button 3

What I tried to fix it

I added print statements before, after, and inside the playtestSong();.
There is another print statement Serial.println("after if"); at the end of the if statements.
If I run it and press button 0, the print statement before, inside, after playtestSong(); gets executed and works fine for the first button press.

First time I pressed button 0:

You pressed button 0
Playing test song
Done with test song
Exited out of the function
after if

However, if I press it again. Only "after if" gets printed. The whole if statement doesn't seem to be running.

Second, third, fourth time I pressed button 0:

after if
after if
after if

I figure out the issue but I don't know how to fix it

So I printed buttonCode after the if statements.
and when I run the program and press button 0 it only print 3910598400 (the button code associated with button 0) first time but seemingly random number thereafter.

Pressed button 0 four times


Reuploaded and pressed button 0 four times again


When I removed playtestSong(); it consistently prints 3910598400
pressed button 0 four times


But why on earth would playtestSong() affect the variable buttonCode?

The code


#include <IRremote.hpp>
const int IR_RECEIVE_PIN = 9;

void setup() {

  IrReceiver.begin(IR_RECEIVE_PIN, ENABLE_LED_FEEDBACK); // Start the receiver


void loop() {
  if (IrReceiver.decode()) {
    unsigned long buttonCode = IrReceiver.decodedIRData.decodedRawData;

    // Button 0
    if (buttonCode == 3910598400) {
      Serial.println("You pressed button 0");
      Serial.println("Song done");
    // Button 1
    else if (buttonCode == 4077715200) {
      Serial.println("You pressed button 1");

    // Button 2
    else if (buttonCode == 3877175040) {
      Serial.println("You pressed button 2");

    // Button 3
    else if (buttonCode == 2707357440) {
        Serial.println("You pressed button 3");

    // Button 4
    else if (buttonCode == 4144561920) {
      Serial.println("You pressed button 4");

    // Button 5
    else if (buttonCode == 3810328320) {
      Serial.println("You pressed button 5");

    // Button 6
    else if (buttonCode == 2774204160) {
      Serial.println("You pressed button 6");

    // Button 7
    else if (buttonCode == 3175284480) {
      Serial.println("You pressed button 7");

    // Button 8
    else if (buttonCode == 2907897600) {
      Serial.println("You pressed button 8");

    // Button 9
    else if (buttonCode == 3041591040) {
      Serial.println("You pressed button 9");

    Serial.println("after if");

    IrReceiver.resume(); // Enable receiving of the next value



const int BUZZER_PIN = 8;

// Note frequencies in Hz
const int NOTE_B0  = 31;
const int NOTE_C1  = 33;
... other notes here
const int NOTE_D8  = 4699;
const int NOTE_DS8 = 4978;

void playNote(int note, int duration) {
  tone(BUZZER_PIN, note, duration);
  delay(duration * 1.30);  // Adding a delay to separate the notes
  noTone(BUZZER_PIN);  // Stop the tone

void playtestSong() {
  Serial.println("Playing test song");
  playNote(NOTE_E5, 300);
  playNote(NOTE_DS5, 300);
  Serial.println("Done with test song");


I'm using GitHub - Arduino-IRremote/Arduino-IRremote: Infrared remote library for Arduino: send and receive infrared signals with multiple protocols library

This is not valid. Why not use delayMicroseconds()?

what's your arduino ? you might have a conflict with the timer used by tone().

see that example

and this comment

Receiving stops after analogWrite() or tone() or after running a motor.

The receiver sample interval of 50 µs is generated by a timer. On many boards this must be a hardware timer. On some boards where a software timer is available, the software timer is used.
Be aware that the hardware timer used for receiving should not be used for analogWrite().
Especially motor control often uses the analogWrite() function and will therefore stop the receiving if used on the pins indicated here.
On the Uno and other AVR boards the receiver timer ist the same as the tone timer. Thus receiving will stop after a tone() command. See ReceiveDemo example how to deal with it, i.e. how to use IrReceiver.restartTimer().

Thanks! That is a mistake thinking delay() takes in seconds. I meant to say delay(1);

The issue is likely in the timer conflict