I've been trying to find a way to play sound from a nano 33 ble, but none of the libraries seem to be compatible with the board. I am looking for a simple way to use the PWM to play sound files... any ideas anyone?
Here is why you can not find anything matching your requirements. The PWM can produce a square wave at a SINGLE frequency and a single amplitude. Music consists of many different sine waves at many different frequencies and different amplitudes. Do you see the difference?
Thank you for this. However, perhaps i misphrased the question. I am looking for a library such as GitHub - TMRh20/TMRpcm: Arduino library for asynchronous playback of PCM/WAV files direct from SD card. Arduino Uno,Nano,Mega etc supported or ArduinoSound. BOth of these use a pin in order to produce sound, and i have made them work on other processors such as ESP32. Thank you.
The Nano BLE 33 comes with an extra operating system mbedOS. So it is not a simple matter to adapt existing drivers to the CPU just by using some instructions activated via #define.
I did this work for my own and developed drivers for the periphery access with bypassing mbedOS (look here).
But it is a step by step motion and I do that only for the currently needed resources.
I looked at your blog, and you have done some excellent work. BUt i fear that this is well beyond my capabilities. I had bought this board as an arduino, and hoped that it work in that environment. Perhaps someone else has also been tinkering?
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