PLC-program + Mqtt Client (as sketch)

Does anyone know how to integrate the Arduino Mqtt library into a sketch but using the Arduino PLC IDE? So I want to be able to run PLC-code at the same time as I'm running an Mqtt Client as a sketch, AND exchange data between the two (so the PLC program <-> Sketch).
I've managed to get a sketch running and sending data to the PLC-program, but I have no idea how to integrate the Arduino Mqtt library into the sketch in the PLC IDE as the normal library manager is not available in the Arduino PLC IDE.

Any ideas?


Hello @nineplanets at the moment MQTT integration along with the PLC IDE (like using the IoT Cloud) is not supported unfortunately.

To add libraries check this comment Sketch libraries for Opta - #2 by PMarquinez

Will this be integrated soon? I feel like this would be very advantageous.

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I've been testing this for hours with no success. Eventually, using PubSubClient 2.8 the client connects but the sketch routine is not performing well. It gets huge delays and rarely connects to the MQTT broker.

MQTT integration into Arduino PLC IDE is urgently needed!


Yes, Its urgently needed.. otherwise no use of wifi,ethernet supports