I do not have previous experience with PLC and I have recently purchased the PLC starter kit thinking to learn PLC basics by myself.
I have been trying to follow the free course on the official website. I find the course to be very confusing, particularly regarding the procedures for defining variables in the PLC IDE software, which are poorly described.
While I managed to complete the "Turn on an LED" first tutorial, I encountered significant difficulties with the "Start and Stop Motor with Coils" exercise. The instructions become unclear, and there are no explanations or pictures for the hardware connections, such as connecting the digital input simulator.
I was hoping to learn PLC basics from scratch, but I am struggling with the current materials.
Is someone else in the same situation? Do you have recommendation for extra tutorials?
Recognize the same experience. Lots of unclarities in documentation and the hardware side is not covered other then "materials". Really hope for some improvements in that area. No yet a happy learning experience with the kit.
You really need to search (and find) on your own. You will also learn that printed material is out dated and unchangeable the moment it leaves the printer.
The course isn't that great. The video Arduino PLC Starter Kit: Input Simulation and Control Loop helps. Was better if they included this in the beginning of the course.
Although Arduino staff read this forum and give responses, you should try getting in touch directly with them, rather than hoping for a random response.
Hopefully also on the PLC IDE itself. Looks like it is missing the libraries for de expension boards contained in the PLC Starter Kit and the IDE crashes when performing a scan to detect expension boards.
In the crash log file, I shows that there is also a dll file missing:
45 - 00000100 - 6CBD1824 - CExtensionMng::LoadExtension 0 LLScanClientLib.dll LLScan 0
46 - 00000010 - 6BEAFAD7 - Can not LoadLibrary c:\arduino_plc_ide\arduino plc ide\templates\LLScanClientLib.dll
47 - 00000010 - 6BEAFAD7 - ERRCODE: 126 Kan opgegeven module niet vinden.
48 - 00000010 - 6BEAFAD7 - CURDIR: c:\arduino_plc_ide\arduino plc ide\templates
49 - 00000010 - 6BEAFAD7 - Can not load extension LLScanClientLib.dll