please can someone help me?

hey i trye build an RF ID reader with any Anan's code . but I do not get into it in bibloteket what am I doing wrong ? put the files in the Program Files (x86) / arduino / libraies renamed folder to Rfidny in the folder are folders ( examples) (src ) and dissolved in rfidny folder is also these changes keywords MFRC522 MFRC522.h README TODO should it be like this or have I missed anything to get this felkåden Arduino :1.5.6 - r2 (Windows 7) , Board: " Arduino Mega or Mega 2560 , ATmega2560 ( Mega 2560 ) "

Using SPI library in folder : C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ libraries \ SPI (legacy )

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ tools \ avr \ bin \ avr - g + + -c- g - Os -w- fno - exceptions - ffunction - sections - fdata - sections -MMD mmcu = ATmega2560 - DF_CPU = 16000000L - DARDUINO = 156 -DARDUINO _AVR_MEGA2560 - DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ cores \ arduino -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ variants \ mega -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ libraries \ SPI C: \ Users \ Tobias \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ build1964033194561929554.tmp \ ReadAndWrite.cpp -o C: \ Users \ Tobias \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ build1964033194561929554.tmp \ ReadAndWrite.cpp.o

ReadAndWrite.ino : 44 : error : ' MFRC522 ' does not name a type
ReadAndWrite.ino : In function ' void setup ( ) ' :
ReadAndWrite.ino : 49 : error : ' mfrc522 ' was not 'declared in this scope
ReadAndWrite.ino : In function ' void loop ( ) ' :
ReadAndWrite.ino : 56 : error : ' MFRC522 ' has not been 'declared
ReadAndWrite.ino : 56 : error : expected ` ; ' before ' key'
ReadAndWrite.ino : 58 : error : ' key' was not 'declared in this scope
ReadAndWrite.ino : 61 : error : ' mfrc522 ' was not 'declared in this scope
ReadAndWrite.ino : 66 : error : ' mfrc522 ' was not 'declared in this scope
ReadAndWrite.ino : 73 : error : ' mfrc522 ' was not 'declared in this scope
ReadAndWrite.ino : 80 : error : ' mfrc522 ' was not 'declared in this scope
ReadAndWrite.ino : 83 : error : ' MFRC522 ' has not been 'declared
ReadAndWrite.ino : 84 : error : ' MFRC522 ' has not been 'declared
ReadAndWrite.ino : 85 : error : ' MFRC522 ' has not been 'declared
ReadAndWrite.ino : 103 : error : ' MFRC522 ' has not been 'declared
ReadAndWrite.ino : 103 : error : ' key' was not 'declared in this scope
ReadAndWrite.ino : 104 : error : ' MFRC522 ' has not been 'declared
ReadAndWrite.ino : 112 : error : ' MFRC522 ' has not been 'declared
ReadAndWrite.ino : 113 : error : ' MFRC522 ' has not been 'declared
ReadAndWrite.ino : 124 : error : ' MFRC522 ' has not been 'declared

Did you restart the IDE?

no what is it and how do I? is there any easy instructions how to add in libery?

Close down the Arduino IDE, and then open it up again.

okay now I got this error code :confused: Arduino :1.5.6 - R2 (Windows 7) , Board: " Arduino Mega or Mega 2560 , ATmega2560 ( Mega 2560 ) "

Using SPI library in folder : C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ libraries \ SPI (legacy )

Using library Rfidny into folder : C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ libraries \ Rfidny (legacy )

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ tools \ avr \ bin \ avr - g + + -c- g - Os -w- fno - exceptions - ffunction - sections - fdata - sections -MMD mmcu = ATmega2560 - DF_CPU = 16000000L - DARDUINO = 156 -DARDUINO _AVR_MEGA2560 - DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ cores \ arduino -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ variants \ mega -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ libraries \ SPI -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ libraries \ Rfidny C: \ Users \ Tobias \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ build3001993427817351686.tmp \ MFRC522.cpp -o C: \ Users \ Tobias \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ build3001993427817351686.tmp \ MFRC522.cpp.o

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ tools \ avr \ bin \ avr - g + + -c- g - Os -w- fno - exceptions - ffunction - sections - fdata - sections -MMD mmcu = ATmega2560 - DF_CPU = 16000000L - DARDUINO = 156 -DARDUINO _AVR_MEGA2560 - DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ cores \ arduino -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ variants \ mega -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ arduino \ avr \ libraries \ SPI -IC : \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ libraries \ Rfidny C: \ Users \ Tobias \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ build3001993427817351686.tmp \ ReadAndWrite.cpp -o C: \ Users \ Tobias \ AppData \ Local \ Temp \ build3001993427817351686.tmp \ ReadAndWrite.cpp.o

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Arduino \ hardware \ tools \ avr \ bin \ avr - g + + -c- g - Os -w- fno - exceptions - ffunction - sections - fdata - sections -MMD mmcu = ATmega2560 - DF_CPU = 16000000L - DARDUINO = 156 -DARDUINO _AVR_MEGA2560 - DARDUINO_ARCH_AVR -IC : \ Program Files (....

okay now I got this error code

I can't see an error code.