I apologize if this is covered elsewhere but I am seeking a simple explanation of the Arduino 1.5 IDE in regards to the library folders.
In 1.05, there was 1 common library folder which I understood.
In 1.5 it seems there is still a Library folder in \Arduino\Libraries but there is also a Library folder for each variant, example Arduino\Hardware\Arduino\Rfduino etc.
Does this mean that if you have a library like Adafruit_GFX you have to install that for every platform that you intend to use?
I just installed the latest 1.5 Beta and when I try to import Adafruit_GFX, it says the library already exists.
After doing a search I see that this library is included in the folder Arduino\Libraries\Robot_Control\SRC\Utility.
However when I try to compile my sketch which includes #include <Adafruit_GFX.h>, it says no such file or directory.
This is very confusing as it seems I cannot install a library because it exists "somewhere" but not in a place that the compiler can find.
The only reason I am even bothering with this is that i am trying the RFduino which will only use 1.5.
Any help appreciated.