Yeah, a noob question I know. But I'm having a "logic" problem that I believe revolves around an incomplete understanding of what { and } do in this context. Can you fill me in?
Can you be more specific m8?
My first assumption was that it was used to nest functions. So, {1+2}/3 has a different meaning from {1}+{2/3}
And it appears to be used that way sorta, but not in the way I would expect. When I try to use it the same way I would use it above, sometimes things compile okay, sometimes they don't.
Understand, I'm in second program so it's not like I know what the hell I'm doing. But it behaving unexpectedly i.e. not exactly like a () in math. So I was hoping for a general exposition on what it does in the Ard. environment.
I am still not sure of what you mean, but I think, if you havent already done so, you should take a look here:
The simplest explanation is that the {} brackets group multiple statements into a single statement (that a drastic simplification)
Take if for example
if (condition) statement else statement
that might be if (a == 10) b = 20; else b = 42;
or it might be
if (a == 10)
b = 20;
b = 42;
{} - Arduino Reference for a better description
You are confusing parenthesis () with curly braces {}
Parenthesis are used to enclose values or to define how you want a calculation to be evaluated
1+23 would give the value of 7, not 9 as you might think and that is because the * operator has precedence over the + operator and theerfore the 23 is calculated first.
To make it work to give you a value of 9, you would need to enclose specific sections of the calculation in parenthesis, e.g. (1+2)*3 - This would calculate the 1+2 first (as the parenthesis have precedence over the * and +) to get 3 then 3 gets multiplied by 3 to get 9.
Parenthesis are also used to enclose parameters on functions.
Curly braces are simply there to tell the compiler where a code block starts and ends. E.g.
for (int x; x <10; x++)
// do something here
Thanks guys. Now that I know they're called "braces" I can look it up as you all pointed out.