Hello All!
I am trying to have an incremented time print each second through the serial port. My seconds are a float because I would like two decimals printed. The original time is set to a random time and date and then from there I would like it to print out the incremented time by one second onto the serial monitor. I have tried searching this forum and googling but can't seem to find an answer that works.
Thanks in advance and here is my code: (p.s. the extra stuff in there is me trying to get it to print whenever the LED is ON, which for now is every second)
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
// set pin numbers:
const int ledPin = 13; // the number of the LED pin
// Variables will change:
int ledState = LOW; // ledState used to set the LED
int s_hr = 3;
int s_min = 30;
float s_sec = 2.32; //Changed from int to float to get two decimal places printed
int day = 24;
int month = 4;
int year = 2014;
// the follow variable is a long because the time, measured in milliseconds,
// will quickly become a bigger number than can be stored in an int.
long interval = 500; // interval at which to blink (milliseconds), smaller interval equals faster blink
void setup() {
// set the digital pin as output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
Serial.begin( 57600 ); //Speed = 57600 bps (baud rate)
Serial.println( "Start Time Increment" );
void loop()
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn the LED on (HIGH is the voltage level)
delay(1); // wait for a millisecond
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn the LED off by making the voltage LOW
delay(999); // wait for a second
if (ledState == HIGH) //added this 'if' statement so that if the LED is on then it would print to the serial port
if(s_hr < 10) //added these if statements to get a leading zero printed
Serial.print( s_hr ); //must output 2 characters
if(s_min < 10)
Serial.print( s_min ); //must output 2 characters
Serial.print( s_sec ); //must output 2.2 format
Serial.print( "," );
if(day < 10)
Serial.print( day ); //2 chars
Serial.print( "," );
if(month < 10)
Serial.print( month ); //2 chars
Serial.print( "," );
Serial.println( year ); //4 chars