Please Help Me Master

hi, sorry there who can help? how if you want to make Keypad Password Door RTC1307 along with base clock Display and Keypad Display if the press. please help

Use a variable to keep track of which state your sketch is in: Clock display or Keypad display. Switch to Keypad display when a key is pressed. Switch to Clock display when the input is done.

can you give example the RTC Keypad Security sketch??

Use a variable to keep track of which state your sketch is in: Clock display or Keypad display. Switch to Keypad display when a key is pressed. Switch to Clock display when the input is done.

John, you know he just wants you to write a program for him.


John, you know he just wants you to write a program for him.


sorry not all right, I just want to follow the program and not want to help write, there is not the same misconception I

I just want to follow the program

But that is the same thing as writing it isn't it? That was a rhetorical question because of course it is.

But that is the same thing as writing it isn't it? That was a rhetorical question because of course it is.

but what's wrong with it? it's an open forum, so anyone is free sharing, many people just like me who asked, but in this starter with good response by the people ..

There are lots of programs on the web for Arduino and RTCs or keypads or both.

Google "arduino rtc keypad" to find some examples.

ok thanks for your info...