Please help me understand bluetooth

Hello, I have a HC-06, I use Mac mini and a Macbook Air. OS X Yosemite 10.10.3. When I connect the HC-06 to the Arduino without TX and RX connection. Both Macs find the HC-06 and I was able to use the passkey 1234, it paired with the HC-06, easily, no problem. Now the problem is, after about 1 minute, HC-06 got disconnected. I thought it was an issue with the HC-06, so I got a HC-05, it got even worse. Once again, it pairs and connects just fine, but this time it only stays connected for about 30 seconds. I do not know what the problem is, can anyone help? TIA.

No, it's a mac problem. Other people have had it on this forum.

Doesn't happen on all Macs but for some it's a royal pain in the butt. Apple posted a notice about it and what they suggest to try to fix it here.

Judging from the number of places where the problem and possible solutions have been tried, it's a strange bug. The oddest "fix" I found was this:

Open Terminal and run:
sudo launchctl unload /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Enter your password

Then run:
sudo launchctl load /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/

Whatever works...

Doesn't happen on all Macs but for some it's a royal pain in the butt. Apple posted a notice about it and what they suggest to try to fix it here.

If you can't connect your Magic Keyboard, Magic Mouse, or Magic Trackpad to your Mac - Apple Support

Judging from the number of places where the problem and possible solutions have been tried, it's a strange bug. The oddest "fix" I found was this:

Whatever works...

Thank you for the reply.

I tried your suggestion but it still does the same bloody thing!! This is so very annoying

All you can do is Google for fixes and you might find one that works. Took me a long time to find one that worked for Yosemite and CH304G usb to serial chip driver.

All you can do is Google for fixes and you might find one that works. Took me a long time to find one that worked for Yosemite and CH304G usb to serial chip driver.

Believe me, I have googled many times but couldn't find a fix. Perhaps I was on the wrong track. Since you found one the works, please do share. Do you have a useful link I haven't discovered?

Believe me, I have googled many times but couldn't find a fix. Perhaps I was on the wrong track. Since you found one the works, please do share. Do you have a useful link I haven't discovered?

The one that I referred to that I found was for the USB to Serial chip, the CH340G that some Nano's I have use. Turns out the issue is that the drivers are not signed and Apple sandboxes them so I had to change the sandboxing level so OS X would work with the drivers.

For Bluetooth, there's scads of posts on "fixes" but there seems to be three main fixes that work for some. Not all so there is no magic bullet that works for everyone.

Most of them are listed here (and what others have tried):

All you can do is work through each one of those.

For my HC-05's before I ever use them, I always change the name to something unique and I change the passkey to what Apple uses as a default "0000" from the default they came with "1234". For programming I wrote an OS X application and bit of a blog on it.