If you are like so many others then the answer is rather simple. You do not offer the right information when posting the questions. the quality of the answers is proportional to the quality of the question.
please read XY Problem
if you have painted yourself in the corner, then you arrived in a location after making many wrong choices.
the XY Problem exposes that.
#1) start off by explaining the whole concept and separately, the goal.
#2) often a flow chart of the project and then details of the problem
too often the questions are so focused that the answers are wrong.
Then there is on this forum what I call the Blue LED syndrome.
You ask about a blue LED
people ask why, then talk about batteries and wind up advising to buy a flashlight.
lastly it is communication.
you want a thing but are not sure of how to word your question because the technology is so new.
what you have in your head does not hit the keys
what we see on the screen does not match your need and we take off in a whole different direction.
you asked about taking complied code and extracting.
the libraries are written in C, most anyway
and you can open the libraries with the ide and edit them like any sketch.
but you did not ask that. Your question was specific.
Had you asked. I am having a problem with timerone.h library it is not playing nice with my other libraries.
we might have asked about your skill at coding and if you up to the task of editing the library.
you should be aware of tabs on your IDE and that you can take any library , copy it, put it into a tab, then edit it to your hearts content. it is no longer a library, but part of your sketch.
but you painted yourself in the corner and the answers did not address your actual need because your question did not address your actual need.
for this one https://forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=581539.0
the first responses were asking for more information.
then they got into the 'blue LED" syndrome we see on here.
RE-POSTING , if you do open with a question that is not complete and not focused,
you can go back and edit it. PLEASE do not delete or re-write it.
just add a new comment.
PLEASE SEE POST #16 the original question was not detailed so it was re-written on post #16
lastly, if you see the answers going off the rails, stop, say so and maybe re-phrase the bit you need based on the information that developed.
Final note, you asked for short answers, but when you ask 1,000 people, you get what they offer.
Take what you find useful.