Please help me!! Urgent help needed for a beginner!!

My aim is to have a social distancing device that includes an ultrasonic sensor (buzzer) and a basic LED light. I want to have the two actuators in sync so that when the buzzer goes off, the light connects and lights up ONLY when the buzzer is on.

Right now, the light is on and off on a pattern but I think it also lights up with the buzzer I'm not sure if I have written anything right. How do I change it so that it ONLY lights up with the buzzer and nothing else.

Also if anything else is wrong or how to compress it to make it easier to read. Thank you so much it is urgent.

This is my code:

// defines pin numbers
const int trigPin = 6; // Trigpin connected to digital pin 6
const int echoPin = 5; // EchoPin connected to digital pin 5
const int buzzPin = 13; // BuzzPin connected to digital pin 13
const int redPin = 13; // RedPin (LED) connected to digital pin 13

// which Arduino pin everything is connected to

void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // trig pin will be set as output
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // echo pin will be set as input
pinMode(buzzPin, OUTPUT); // buzz pin will be set as output to control buzzer
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT); // declare the LED as an output

// pinMode configures a pin either as an input or output.
// When configured as an input, a pin can detect the state of a sensor like a pushbutton.
// As an output, it can drive an actuator like an LED.

void loop() {
// Duration will be the input pulse width and distance will be the distance to the obstacle in centimeters
int duration, distance; // Output pulse with one milliseconds width on trigPin

digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW); // Measure the pulse input in echo pin
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH); // Distance is half the duration devided by 29.1 (from datasheet)
distance = (duration/2) / 29.1; // If distance less than 1.5 meter and more than 0 (0 or less means over range)

// setting a pin to HIGH sets it to either 5V or 3.3V.
// writing a LOW to pin connects it to ground (GND) or to zero volts

if (distance <= 100 && distance >= 0) { // Buzz
tone(buzzPin, 550); // Tone for when it buzzes
delay(500); // Wait for half a second
noTone(buzzPin); // When it does not buzz
delay(500); // Wait for half a second

// the delay() causes the Arduino to wait for the specified number of milliseconds before continuing on to the next line.
// setting the delay to 500 milliseconds means that the line creates a delay of half a second (0.5 seconds)

digitalWrite(buzzPin, HIGH); // Start buzzing
} else // Don't buzz and light goes off
digitalWrite(buzzPin, LOW); // Stop buzzing

digitalWrite(redPin, HIGH); // Turn the LED on
delay(500); // wait half a second

digitalWrite(redPin, LOW); // Turn the LED off

// Waiting 60 milliseconds won't hurt anyone
} // go back to the beginning of the loop

Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong and what I need to write to fix it?

For flexibility, I'd suggest putting the buzzer and LED on different pins

Also use the IDE's auto-format tool before posting code.
And get rid of the delays.
Except this onedelay(1);
Which should be delayMicroseconds(10);
Please remember to use code tags when posting code

Yes, please read the forum guide in the sticky post at the top of the forum section. You broke at least 2 rules already....

Yes, please read the forum guide in the sticky post at the top of the forum section. You broke at least 2 rules already....

Three Four now.

Do not CROSS-POST, cross-posting wastes time.

Someone is in line for a smacked botty.

Sorry I'm in a rush and stressing
Thank you for helping me
It worked you all are legends

I suspect the requirement for social distancing will be over before this project is complete.

I can't see anything urgent about the project.


I suspect the requirement for social distancing will be over before this project is complete.

Maybe add a jumper to configure one or two metres


1.4m - South Korea
1.5m - Australia, Belgium, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal
1.8m - US


Watching people who are out walking (in England) it seems to me that most have given up social distancing except in "formal" situations such as supermarket queues.


Watching people who are out walking (in England) it seems to me that most have given up social distancing except in "formal" situations such as supermarket queues.



Athough given the distance people are apart in public in Wales, perhaps +0.1 is more appropriate.

2m here in Canada but a lot seem to have given up which angers me no end.

2m here in Canada but a lot seem to have given up which angers me no end.

This thing won't be over until everyone has given up


You are not kidding Robin

Almost all those areas that opened up early are now showing signs of second waves.
Sometimes living in BFN has its benefits and some of those you never dreamed would actually be useful.