Please help to chose sensors

Hello. I was given a project where i have to do scanning and logging the temperature, vibration and noise from a dc motor using arduino. Now I'm at the stage where i have to find the components for my project, so I'm asking for a help.
I found some sensors:
ds18b20 for temperature
sw420 for vibration
lm939 for noise

In this project all sensors must be working simultaneously and they must be attached to a DC motor so they scan data from it.

There are any projects using the DS18B20 so that should not be hard to use.
The vibration sensor is basically just a digital input to the Arduino so look for a high or low as required.

I did not find data on the LM939. Is it an audio amp? If so what are you going to use to provide the input?

If you have no experience in in using arduino or electronics, you will need to do some serious reading of the ample documentation available. Once you have the basics worked out ask for information on specifics if required.


I have no experience in both. Just to begin with, could you suggest which sensors would be good for this kind of project. Thank you.

The sensors you have listed for temperature and vibration appear to be ok.

The audio detection would simply need a microphone into an amp and monitor the level.

There are many books and online circuits to show you how to do this.

Start by playing with the board using the examples supplied with the Arduino programmer. Get used to reading switches and turning on LEDs.

When you are ready to start on the main project, start with one sensor at a time and add more once you get that bit working. The easiest way of fault finding is by using Serial.println ("I am at this point in my program") type messages to show you what is happening in your program.
