I live in a poor country thus I forced to make order at the most cheap PCB manufacturer at China and not one of them don't help with PCB design and gerber files creating. Also microelectronics schemes is not my main professional area and to study all needed info at high level and to learn a special PCB design SW - will take too much time, when I need only 2 simple modules, which professional can make for a 1hr. Thus I asking forum professionals for help with design a 2 gerber files for a 2 custom Arduino/ESP32 modules. Both modules are really simple and based on already found main chips and already existed modules for Arduino, but with some improvements and extensions. Overall items number per each PCB suppose must be just 5-15, thus for a really professional they are really very simple. Because I need those modules for my proprietary project - I would like to not publish all details at public. Please, write here or via PM - your direct email, price for creating a 2 simple gerber files with SMT, will also be nice to see your portfolio (because I need to be sure that you are really professional and that gerber files will be design properly, because make any corrections after PCB production order placing are just impossible - all must be made ideal at once).
... microelectronics schemes is not my main professional area
2 simple modules, which professional can make for a 1hr.
The two statements above contradict each other. Even a "professional" can barely estimate their own time, not other's
If it's so simple just invest some days and learn kicad https://kicad.org
It's not what I asking for.
You ask for an unknown amount of work to be done for free.
Hi bro Brov, check the site of EasyEda.com. It's free, easy to use, chained to production facilities and there's quite a lot to be found about on internet.
I managed to learn making schematics and pcb's within weeks.
Hope it helps!
In which country do you live? Do you have something to offer in exchange for work on your project?
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