We are use 3 nema 23 motors and 3 tb6600 motor drivers.And also use load cell and hx11 module.
Our target is get user input to 3 of 1 motor number (1/2/3) and target weight (in grams).
In example user input 2,500 , then load cell reading until reach 500 g that number 2 motor only will work.
We are trying many time in coding that program not perfectly working.
So can you are help to code our project
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You have:
- three motors (need datasheet for these)
- three TB6600 (https://www.makerguides.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/TB6600-Manual.pdf)
- HX711 load cell module (https://www.digikey.com/htmldatasheets/production/1836471/0/0/1/hx711.html)
- you tried using 2500 as the calibration offset? scale.set_scale(2500.f);
Is this the example you were using? HX711/examples/HX711_full_example/HX711_full_example.ino at master · bogde/HX711 · GitHub