Please help upload sketch to Du-one arduino uno electric ukulele

Hi guys, I tried to upload a custom sketch to my ukulele and it worked for a day and then the ukulele became unresponsive. The maker of the instrument is Maker Hart, the model is the Du-one and it has an Arduino UNO chip. I downloaded the custom sketch from this review website here At last! A MIDI ukulele – PR Gomez

Please help me upload the sketch to my ukulele. Does the sketch have to be completely error free for it to work? I've attached the 3 files I downloaded from the folder. I would be eternally grateful if you can look at the sketch and let me know if it's okay to upload

DU-ONE_hacked.ino (34.2 KB)

SubFuction.ino (8.1 KB)

Setup.h (3.83 KB)

if it worked for a while, I ask you:

Which model power supply?

It runs on a 9volt battery and usb 5v. I had it connected but it became unresponsive. The person that made the sketch managed to do it successfully. When I run compile on the file a small error appears. One of them says it can't read the H file which is a file called setup.

Does the sketch need to be 100% error free? Because even the default sketch shows some kind of error. Do I need to reset the UNO chip before installing a new sketch? A hard reset would be difficult because I'm not comfortable disassembling the instrument.

I have every single Arduino app on my iPad and my android so I have the tools. I would like to eventually be able to code myself but I'm just trying to upload the sketch for now.

I feel like I'm so close but am just missing something. Can someone please check there attached sketch? It would be a huge help into pointing me in the right direction.

I appreciate you taking the time to reply.

Does the sketch need to be 100% error free?

Yes, if an error occurs, the microcontroller should remain with the previous program.

Does the sketch need to be 100% error free?

Yes, if an error occurs, the microcontroller should remain with the previous program.

Note: Except in special cases, such as if the error occurred while checking microcontroller contents

Do I need to reset the UNO chip before installing a new sketch?

No, USB to serial converter should already force Reset with a DTR signal,

Perhaps this video can help you understand this:

miniTalk #3: What's use of DTR pin to program Arduino Pro mini

I was able to compile only with the MEGA 2560 board, note that "Serial1" does not exist on the UNO board (you can emulate an additional serial port by software serial)

Try replacing the software serial library "SoftwareSerial" by "AltSoftSerial":

#include <AltSoftSerial.h>
//#include <SoftwareSerial.h>


//SoftwareSerial Soundchip(14,15); //Rx,Tx
AltSoftSerial Soundchip(14,15); //Rx,Tx

AltSoftSerial can be found at library manager (Menu Sketch/Include Library/Manager Libraries...)

(all files must be in the same folder, and the folder must have the name of the main sketch "DU-ONE_hacked")