hello guys please help me with app iventor now i need just write date in textbox and press submit the date i wrote need it to show in serial monitor for arduino please help me i need example to start work from it
the date i wrote need it to show in serial monitor for arduino
I really don't think the Serial Monitor application is going to talk to App Inventor.
OMG that's really bad
No it isn't. You just need to come to terms with what you are really trying to do, and explain it in a comprehensible manner. Bold type does nothing to save the lazy or the illiterate, but a bit of punctuation might help.
At a guess, you probably need to know about serial input.
Is there an Arduino involved anywhere?
I think he is trying to send text from phone to Arduino via Bluetooth, and display same on serial monitor. Sounds reasonable, but the problem is unclear.
I think he is trying to send text from phone to Arduino via Bluetooth, and display same on serial monitor. Sounds reasonable, but the problem is unclear.
hello sir this is what exactly i want
i just want to write any thing in textbox in mobile app and push button the thing i wrote appear on my serial monitor
See link in reply #3.