I was able to run a sketch that lights up 1 red, 1 green, and 1 blue LED on my Arduino. Now I want my setup to be 4 to 5 times brighter than it currently is. How do I do this? What is the best way?
Do I get 5 reds, 5 greens, and 5 blue LEDs and wire them together? If so, how do I do this?
Take a look at superbrightleds.com
They have some 8,000-10,000 mcd LEDs on just 20mA - those are really bright!
Compare that to the LEDs you have now. Maybe just a 1-1 replacement is needed.
Thanks for your fast reply. On the off chance that I get more than 1 of the superbrights. How would I wire 3-4 of them up (per color)? I guess my real question is...how does one wire more than 1 LEDs per pin? Does each LED have to have its own resistor?
Any diagrams of breadboards would be greatly appreciated as I'm new to electronics and the diagrams help me out a lot.