Please update MicroPython documentation for Nano 33 BLE Sense Rev2

The examples to access sensors are very useful but the actual version is for Nano 33 BLE Sense "first version", and they are not updated for the actual Rev2 version.
So, it doesn't work :frowning:
All the examples (python code) to access sensors that have changed with Rev2 are obsolete.
Is there a recent documentation available somewhere ?
Thank you!

Hi @jmcambot ! Thank you for reporting this. We will update the documentation shortly.

@jmcambot Meanwhile you can test with this code:

import time
import imu
from machine import Pin, I2C

bus = I2C(1, scl=Pin(15), sda=Pin(14))
imu = imu.IMU(bus)

while (True):
    print('Accelerometer: x:{:>8.3f} y:{:>8.3f} z:{:>8.3f}'.format(*imu.accel()))
    print('Gyroscope:     x:{:>8.3f} y:{:>8.3f} z:{:>8.3f}'.format(*imu.gyro()))
    print('Magnetometer:  x:{:>8.3f} y:{:>8.3f} z:{:>8.3f}'.format(*imu.magnet()))

Thank you very much, it works fine!!
Do you have a solution for the micro too?

And my next step will be to manage the vibration sensor I added :wink: (from Arduino)

I have a project to develop a Smart device to automatically predict an equipment failure.
With the Microphone and the Vibrations sensor, I would have everything ready!


@jmcambot Sounds like a cool project! I gave a talk on that topic some time ago. If you're interested, check it out here:

Do you have a solution for the micro too?

What do you mean by that? Can you explain?


Yes, sorry, I meant the microphone (MP34DT05)
Do you have an example that runs on the Rev2 microphone version, to retrieve the microphone sensor data?
Same for other sensors that changed with Rev2:

  • Temperature & Humidity (HTS221)
  • Ambient Light (APDS9960)
  • Proximity (APDS9960)

Thank you very much for your support


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