Plotting Data

Hi all,
I am doing a project where I want to plot several things, I hope that once I get the hang of how to plot something simple i'll be able to plot something more complicated.

I have a program that is supposed to get an input from a user (click a button) . When the user clicks again I track how long it took between those 2 events. the numbers can range between 1 second to several hours (if less than a minute or so I would like to ignore it, I don't need to have seconds precision, minutes is fine)
I present that number onto the serial monitor.
I want to pass this to processing or excel or matlab to graph (prefer excel and then matlab and then processing).

I saw that there is gobetwino but I couldn't get that to work.
I couldn't find a simple example that would use processing to do this, and while I saw that matlab has several options i couldn't get the examples I found to work.

Anyone have advice? simple code/tutorial to graph from Serial?

Thanks in advance

prefer excel

awesome i'll go give it a try :slight_smile:
I didn't see they have any examples there (i'll google some)

You don't much, just the data format. Most of the work is actually at the Excel end.