Plotting multiple sensor readings using Python


I am trying to read in two analog sensor values on the Arduino and create a live plot using Python. The most helpful blog post I have discovered has been this:

However, I have been trying to plot two analog sensors against each other (i.e. one on the y-axis and one on the x-axis) instead of both of them against time. I have a pretty good understanding of the Arduino IDE, but am new to Python. Does anyone have any suggestions or links to a website where someone has done this before? I've been having a lot of trouble finding a site where someone has created a program that does not have time on the x-axis. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Thank you so much in advance!

I don't know the specifics of drawing things with Python, but presumably you are writing data onto a grid with x and y locations. Don't you just need to plot a point at (or draw a line to) the X and Y locations that you get from the Arduino?


Any help would be greatly appreciated!!

Seeing the code that you already have would be awesome, too, but that didn't happen.

bcantrell500, did you get your plot up and running?

You have tried to awaken a Thread that is 2.5 years dead - and was never very much alive.

You may be interested in this Python - Arduino demo

If you need more help you need to explain exactly what you are trying to achieve.


Your issue is just about Python programming, not able to help here, Arduino forum. Probably, you should find the solution in a Python forum. Good luck.