Pls help beginner

Hi all.
this is a normal user and not a technician!
I need a lot of support here, i am a beginner with the arduino and this will be my first project.
I am trying to make gps tracker for my car. if you can help me with the components and some guidelines on where i should start learning and reading.

If same articles or tutorials available i would appreciate if you can direct me there.

I just dont know how and where to start and any small help would really matter.

Appreciate your feedback.


Hi Hany.

I found when starting out that the adafruit site was a great place to learn
Certainly aimed at the beginner like me and have some great products.
I haven't used the GPS they sell but there is a full library on it and a few examples.

Could be a good place to start.
I hope some others chime in for suggestions also.
The first starting block is always the hardest.

Thank you very much for understanding. i loved this website.

It will be also helpful if i can find more inputs

The GPS part of the GPS tracker is a pretty simple feature. All you need is a GPS unit and a GPS parser. I would buy the unit from or a similar site. For parsing the data I would follow the tutorial Arduino Playground - GPS. You can accomplish the above in less than a day. The hard part of the project is thinking about what you want to do with the data once you have it. The difficulty of accomplishing this can range from moderate to extreme; No matter what you choose, its going to require you to develop some software to parse and interpret the data, most likely using python. If you're serious about this project I would go through the tutorial, think hard about how you want the data, and come back to the forums.
Good Luck!


You haven't said whether you have any experience with computer programming.

If you don't have experience it would be a great idea to put your own GPS project to one side for a few days and spend some time studying the example programs that come with the Arduino IDE, including modifying some as a way to learn how to do things. Then you could try writing a very simple sketch from scratch.


I got a GPS module for Christmas and have it working with an I2C LCD. I used the TinyGPS library for the parser and software serial to communicate with the module. A bit of a challenge at first, but by running the examples and reading through the .h and .cpp files I figured out how to get the data that I wanted and display it. One Thing that slowed me down is that the default software serial receive buffer size is to small, resulting in incomplete reading of GPS sentences. I went into the software serial header file and set the size to 128 bytes and it worked great. I haven't tried a smaller buffer yet (default is 64 bytes) but I may need to later.