Hi there!

I have problem regarding the naming of columns.

By default it shows Date Time Timer Counter and Millis

When I place this in setup

void setup(){
// while the serial stream is not open, do nothing:
while (!Serial)
    // do nothing
} ;

  Serial.println("LABEL,A,B,C, D,E");

The column name does not change but the values enter into excel one by one

When I place it at loop

void loop(){
  value0 = analogRead(flexPin0);         //Read and save analog value from potentiometer
  Serial.println("LABEL,A,B,C, D,E");
  Serial.println(value0);               //Print value

  delay (1000);


The column name changes but the data keeps on replacing itself.

Pls help.

P/S: The (!serial) is because I use Leonardo

  Serial.println("LABEL,A,B,C, D,E");
  Serial.println(value0);               //Print value

The above certainly won't work, because you commented out the most important statement.

You need to study the documentation and the example code more carefully:

    // simple print out of number and millis
      Serial.print(i++); Serial.print(",");

You need to study the documentation and the example code more carefully:

Where can I find the example code and documentation?

Where did you find PLX-DAQ? That would be a good place to look.