plz help sending data to DAC088S085 from Arduino Uno via SPI

I want to use DAC088S085 for one of my project with Arduino Uno through SPI, it is 8 channel DAC from TI, I want to utilized it to generate 6 different and independent Sine signals with preprogrammed amplitude (0-5V)
please help in coding if somebody has done something on this. I've already aware about it's interfacing and wiring


thanks in advance

An ambitious project. First ou need to define the sine wave, its frequency, what your low pass filter looks like. how many samples it will take to generate it with the DAC. From this you can derive how much data you have to send and how fast. Next you need to define some type of protocol to send the data, possibly a packet with 8 readings in it, it is up to you. Now the fun begins you get to build and code it.

please help in coding if somebody has done something on this.

This is either a university project or a work project.
Why should someone "help"?

but i need to control it at 50Hz. so how I can fixed it at 50Hz.

Study the Blink Without Delay example to learn how. You may need to use micros() instead of millis().

You will have to send the data each time the DACs ares to be updated. Doing all at once reduces your software overheat by a factor of about n. That rate will control your frequency. You could do it with Mills() or Millies() functions but assuming you want it fairly stable I suggest setting a timer up timer interrupt so that it interrupts you each time a sample needs to be sent. There will be some latency but that should be relatively consistent so should not be a problem. Hint: Change the interrupt time and you change the RPM.

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