PN532- Lights constanly on but getting "Didn't find PN53x board" error.

Hi, I have a arduino mega 2560 r3, and I am trying to use a adafruit nfc shield. I have soldered all the stackable pins. However when trying to run any of the adafruit sketches i always get "Didn't find PN53x board" error.
Both the power and busy lights come on the pn532, and stay on.
I have tried checking the soldering, and even re soldering some of the pins just to be sure but no luck.
I have attached pictures of the soldering on the shield, maybe someone can spot what is wrong.
Please help.
Edit- Attachments too large, providing link to pictures instead.


Thanks for the reply. So you do not think it is anything wrong with the board, or the soldering?
I will try the board on a uno tomorrow I guess and see what happens, if it works on an uno Ill work on rewiring the mega.
Thanks again.