I have a project where I use the Nano iot over wifi I would like to use ethernet instead I can use the official MKR ethernet shiled but its not POE. Whats the best way to proceed. I do see pipico and M5stack have some sorts of solutions but would like to stay with nano as I have written some timer PWM functions.
I use UDP for data transmission.
Guess I ould just use a POE splitter
Thanks Russell
When you use WiFi, POE seems unnecessary especially with the prices for POE splitter. I guess for now POE is better suited for higher power platforms like Raspberry Pi. You can use a USB power adapter to power your Arduino. If it is only for a day or two you can use a USB battery pack.
Dear Klaus, thanks for the reply
Yes, I see. If you want to use Wi-Fi, that makes sense, but some of the world is moving away from Wi-Fi and relying on Ethernet for several reasons.
1 health ground (WiFi and Mobile).
2 reliability of the connection.
I know wifi drops can reconnect, but, in my experience, it all takes a long time, minutes rather than seconds.
I know there is wifi on the board, but I want to use Ethernet. But of note, I do use the flash on the wifi unit to
Store configuration settings. (Storage in the wifinina).
Within the post, I clearly state I want to use Ethernet and talk about the Ethernet shield.
I was hoping that some other like-minded people might share their solutions
I have seen specialist companies with small POE units.
Anyways I hope it opened some eyes that not everyone is happy with all the Radio signals surrounding us these days.
Best Russell
I Russell,
Glad to hear I am not alone in those requirements. I can't go on Wifi and I can't go on USB since cable would be too short. POE over RJ45 seemed to be viable alternative.
So I am doing exactly your requirements.
Using a Nano 33 iot and Ethernet board with W5500 chip and a Silvertec POE module salvaged from an early prototype on an arduino uno Ethernet board where the Silvertec POE was soldered.
It just works. Prior this I even went to the road of finding an Ethernet POEe board for Nano boards. Found now RobotDyn company that was doing this. When I just realized any Ethernet with Wiznet W5500 would do. You just have to carefully wire the POE modules on it.
This really depends on the board you use.
I recommend the silvertec modules made for uno Ethernet hat since they have better POE standard compatibility from my testings. The Poe modules from RobotDyn or similar you can find on Ali are not compatible with all POE switch sadly.
If 100Mbps is OK for you then the W5500 is fine. Otherwise the Portenta H7 lite + extension board with 1Gbps Ethernet would be better ...
Regards Juan
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