Am I understanding this correctly? When the attach() method is called in the following code snip, the returned value is a pointer to this Servo instance's attach overridden function? My reason in asking is I want to tweak the class a bit so that when a Servo gets attached it attaches with a pulse width at servo center and a frame timing in the realm of acceptability for a standard servo. As the class stands as shipped if Servo.write has not been called before the attach the pulse rates are way off the chart for a servo and can result in cremating the servo. From what I have observed from several other servo related posts coupled with visually inspecting the waveforms at the servo pin is that the pulse times are so short execution never returns to the user's code. This only happens when the class is packaged in another class.
uint8_t Servo::attach(int pin)
return this->attach(pin, MIN_PULSE_WIDTH, MAX_PULSE_WIDTH);