pointer to methods of different classes: ie (Hardware)Serial or SoftwareSerial

First let me admit, I couldn't come up with a better subject.

I guess, the overall - more technical - question would be "How can I access identically named methods of objects from different classes?"
But let's stick with the actual problem:

Both hardware serial and software serial share the same methods (or at least the names and use are identical, such as Serial.read() vs mySerial.read or Serial.print("") vs mySerial.print("")

I would like to have a function communicate with me over either "Serial" of "SoftwareSerial", depending on what flag is set during the setup routine or what device I use (Arduino Mega / Uno).

How can I do this without many if's or switch statements - not to mention the compile error when using different microcontrollers?

SoftwareSerial mySerial(9,10);

void some_function(byte number_of_serial_port){
  switch number_of_serial_port){
  case 0: Serial.print("Serial"); break;
  case 1: Serial1.print("Serial1"); break;
  default: mySerial.print("SoftwareSerial");

Serial and Software Serial are both derived from Print, so you can use a pointer to either object:

Print *MyConsole;
    MyConsole = new Serial(...);
    MyConsole = new SoftwareSerial(...);

Ray L.

What you can do is have a class that references the Stream class by what you enter into the constructor.
you can use the Print class too

My .h file.

#ifndef SerialServo_h
#define SerialServo_h

#include <Arduino.h>

class SerialServo
Stream & port_; // #include madness - Programming Questions - Arduino Forum Reply #14

// constructor
SerialServo (Stream & port) : port_ (port) { }

// methods
void Number_of_Channels(uint8_t channel = 4);
void Move(uint8_t channel, uint8_t position);
void AdjustLeftRight(uint8_t L, uint8_t R);
void Calibrate();

uint8_t left, right;
unsigned int ServoNum[35];

Sketch setups

Hardware Serial:

#include <SerialServo.h>
SerialServo servo (Serial);

Software Serial:

#include "SerialServo.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
const byte TX = 5;
SoftwareSerial mySerial (-1, TX, false);
SerialServo servo (mySerial);

SerialServo.zip (2.84 KB)

You can have a direct reference to the Stream class, and make that refer to whatever class is derived from it, that you choose:

#include <Arduino.h>

// choose a serial port

  #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
  SoftwareSerial softSerial (3, 4);
  Stream & mySerial = softSerial;
  Stream & mySerial (Serial);

void setup ()
// set up appropriate serial port
  softSerial.begin (9600);
  Serial.begin (115200);

  // use serial port
  mySerial.println ("Hello");
  mySerial.println (42);
  }  // end of setup

void loop () { }