Pololu Micro Servo Controller with NewSoftSerial

Hi, has anyone used the NewSoftSerial library with the Polulu Micro servo controller? I just changed over from the standard SoftSerial library and as soon as I upload the code I get a fatal error message from the servo controller.
( I'm trying to sync 6 servos to a quicktime playing at 25 fps, as soon as I changed from 3 to 6 servos it appeared that the baud rate was to slow, thus the change to NewSoftSerial.)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Regards Conor

#include <NewSoftSerial.h>

NewSoftSerial softSerial(2, 3);

// set up a new serial port

void setup()
  //pinMode(2, INPUT);
  digitalWrite(3, HIGH); // keeps pololu board from getting spurious signal
  pinMode(3, OUTPUT);

  // set the data rate for the hardware serial port
  // set the data rate for the SoftwareSerial port

  set_speed(0, 0);
  set_speed(1, 0);
  set_speed(2, 0);
  set_speed(3, 0);
  set_speed(4, 0);
  set_speed(5, 0);


void loop()

  char inputA[8];
  char inputB[8];
  char inputC[8];
  char inputD[8];
  char inputE[8];
  char inputF[8];

  memset(inputA, '\0', 8);
  memset(inputB, '\0', 8);
  memset(inputC, '\0', 8);
  memset(inputD, '\0', 8);
  memset(inputE, '\0', 8);
  memset(inputF, '\0', 8);

  byte inByte = '\0';

  while(inByte != 'A') {
    inByte = Serial.read(); // Wait for the start of the message
  if(inByte == 'A') {
    while(Serial.available() < 24) { // Wait until we receive 5 characters
    for (int a=0; a < 24; a++) {
      if( a >= 0 && a <= 3){
        inputA[a] = Serial.read(); // Read the characters into an array
      if( a >= 4 && a <= 7){
        inputB[(a-4)] = Serial.read(); // Read the characters into an array
      if( a >= 8 && a <= 11){
        inputC[(a-8)] = Serial.read(); // Read the characters into an array
      if( a >= 12 && a <= 15){
        inputD[(a-12)] = Serial.read(); // Read the characters into an array
      if( a >= 16 && a <= 19){
        inputE[(a-16)] = Serial.read(); // Read the characters into an array
      if( a >= 20 && a <= 23){
        inputF[(a-20)] = Serial.read(); // Read the characters into an array


  int  numberA = atoi(inputA);
  int  numberB = atoi(inputB);
  int  numberC = atoi(inputC);
  int  numberD = atoi(inputD);
  int  numberE = atoi(inputE);
  int  numberF = atoi(inputF);

  position_absolute(0, numberA);
  position_absolute(1, numberB);
  position_absolute(2, numberC);
  position_absolute(3, numberD);
  position_absolute(4, numberE);
  position_absolute(5, numberF);


void position_absolute(byte servo, int angle)
  //this function uses pololu mode command 4 to set absolute position
  //servo is the servo number (typically 0-7)
  //angle is the absolute position from 500 to 5500

  unsigned int temp;
  byte pos_hi,pos_low;

  temp = angle & 0x1f80;  //get bits 8 thru 13 of position
  pos_hi = temp >> 7;     //shift bits 8 thru 13 by 7
  pos_low = angle & 0x7f; //get lower 7 bits of position

  //Send a Pololu Protocol command
  softSerial.print(0x80, BYTE);    //start byte
  softSerial.print(0x01, BYTE);    //device id
  softSerial.print(0x04, BYTE);    //command number
  softSerial.print(servo, BYTE);   //servo number
  softSerial.print(pos_hi, BYTE);  //bits 8 thru 13
  softSerial.print(pos_low, BYTE); //bottom 7 bits

void set_speed(byte servo, byte speedVal)
  //this function uses pololu mode command 1 to set speed
  //servo is the servo number (typically 0-7)
  //speedVal is servo speed (1=slowest, 127=fastest, 0=full)
  //set speedVal to zero to turn off speed limiting

  speedVal = speedVal & 0x7f; //take only lower 7 bits of the speed

  //Send a Pololu Protocol command
  softSerial.print(0x80,BYTE);     //start byte
  softSerial.print(0x01,BYTE);     //device id
  softSerial.print(0x01,BYTE);     //command number
  softSerial.print(servo,BYTE);    //servo number
  softSerial.print(speedVal,BYTE); //speed